In case you get confused, this article is saying you have the option of refining an enchantment bound to your weapon or gear (make it a higher rank up) if you have three of the same rank as the rank in the slot.
For example, if you have a level 4 Dark Enchantment committed to your Weapon (or Idol, for clerics), if you have 3 other rank 4's in your inventory, you can upgrade the committed rank 4 into a Rank 5. Very efficient, if you think about. Guild Rogues don't have to farm as hard (Rogues have best chance and highest amount of loot drops).
Secondly, the author (Lead Systems Designer) is saying that they're trying to (it may already be in the game, maybe you should check?
) refine enchants in your inventory so you dont have three rows of enchants waiting to be fused (you are collecting of each rank, etc etc). You could just have one the article. Lol.